
VL2 is an international center that includes researchers and educators from many locations and disciplines. A primary goal of VL2 is to include teams of deaf and hearing researchers from multiple disciplines to help define and carry out the research agenda.

Faculty | Staff | Graduate Student | Collaborating Faculty

Action & Brain Lab | Brain and Language Center for Neuroimaging | Motion Light Lab | Numeracy and Educational Neuroscience Lab | PhD in Educational Neuroscience | The Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Lab

Dr. Ilaria Berteletti
PEN; Program Director, NENS Director, and Associate Professor
Melissa Malzkuhn
VL2 Co-Director and Motion Light Lab Director
Dr. Lorna Quandt
VL2 Co-Director, PEN; Science Director, ML2 & Director, ABL, and Associate Professor
Dr. Rachel Pizzie
PEN; Science Director, CAN, and Assistant Professor
Shahinur Alam
Post-Doctoral Fellow, ABL, ML2
Jason Lamberton
Human Computer Interaction Engineer, ML2
Tayla Newman
Program Manager, ML2
Jianye Wang
3D Animator, ML2
Yiqiao Wang
Creative Designer/Senior Artist, ML2
Christina Kim
Graduate Student, PEN
Joseph Palagano
Graduate Student, PEN
Melody Schwenk
Graduate Student, PEN
Rachel Sortino
Graduate Student, PEN
Casey Spelman
Graduate Student, PEN
Dr. Laura-Ann Petitto
Retired: Science Director and Co-Principal Investigator, VL2; Full Professor, PEN; Principal Investigator, BL2