Dr. Laura-Ann Petitto, Science Director of VL2 and Acting Director of the PEN program, kicks off the event with welcome remarks and a history of VL2's continuous transformation.

During introductions each VL2 member -- PEN student, PEN faculty, lab research assistant, lab graduate assistant, or staff -- is welcomed with a handwave from the full house.

Glenn Lockhart, VL2 Executive Director, asks "Where do you see yourself and your lab in the Gallaudet Promise," referring to the university's strategic plan running through 2030. VL2 members then used their mobile devices to text one-word responses, which together created a word cloud.

Dr. Poorna Kushalnagar, Special Assistant to the Provost for Research, shares remarks. Displayed on the screen behind him is "Thought Leader," the 2021-2022 theme for VL2.

Dr. Gaurav Mathur, Dean of the Graduate School, shares remarks. Displayed on the screen behind him is "Thought Leader," the 2021-2022 theme for VL2

PEN and graduate students are sitting around a table and engaged in a discussion on VL2's place in Gallaudet's strategic plan (printout copies shown on table).

BL2 research assistants and staff are sitting around a table and engaged in a discussion on VL2's place in Gallaudet's strategic plan (printout copies shown on table).

Glenn Lockhart, VL2 Executive Director, asks "What words describe you and your lab?" VL2 members then used their mobile devices to text one-word responses, which together created a word cloud.

PEN faculty member and NENS lab director Dr. Ilaria Berteletti waves as PEN faculty members are sitting around a table and engaged in a discussion on VL2's place in Gallaudet's strategic plan (printout copies shown on table).
On September 13, 2021, VL2 hosted an in-person, all-hands meeting, its first since the onset of the COVID-19 global pandemic. This meeting brought approximately 30 PEN students, PEN faculty members, lab research assistants, lab graduate assistants, and staff back together. Highlights included:
The work meeting also had everyone engaged in a socially distanced team-building activity. VL2 members held small-group discussions on the questions of "What words describe you and your lab?" and "Where do you see yourself and your lab in the Gallaudet Promise," referring to the university's strategic plan running through 2030. VL2 members then used their mobile devices to text one-word responses, which together created a word cloud for each question. Afterwards, everyone interacted and enjoyed refreshments.