The Numeracy and Educational Neuroscience (NENS) Lab, part of the PhD in Educational Neuroscience (PEN) Program and the NSF Visual Language and Visual Learning Center (VL2) at Gallaudet University, is looking for a lab coordinator to join the team.
The position is a one-year renewable position for up to 3 years based on performance and funding. This position is ideal for students wishing to increase their research experience before entering advanced training or a PhD program.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing applicants, applicants from underrepresented racial/ethnic backgrounds and applicants with ASL knowledge are encouraged to apply.
The Lab Coordinator will assist the Director, Dr. Ilaria Berteletti, in running the lab activities to successfully accomplish the scientific goals of the project as well as NENS Lab translation activities; participates in various project management activities, including but not limited to developing and implementing experimental/study materials (paper and pencil or through programming with EPrime) as advised, recruiting participants in the nearby communities and through schools, testing child participants and their parents, interacting with parents and school directors, implementing accurate record-keep procedures for coding and storing participants’ data in compliance with IRB and Federal Grant regulations, managing the lab data back-up system; does management work such as training and coordinating work for graduate and undergraduate research assistants in the lab, submit to the director accurate timesheet for paid Research Assistants (RA) in the lab, interfacing with administrative and office personnel, purchasing off grant funds upon approval from the director, keeping records of lab expenses and participants’ compensation, and other related duties; works closely with the director in creating all grant related reports and IRB documents; possible traveling requirements within the country to collect data a few times a year; and collaborates on materials for publication and will be given the possibility to participate in presentations at meetings and conferences with the PI and other students.
Candidate should be a well organized, motivated individual who can self-start tasks, likes to bring projects to completion and is able to keep clear priorities of action items.
Ideal start date would be between late August and end of September but applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
For the full job description and required/preferred qualifications, please go to and search for post #216.
To learn more about the NENS lab:
For questions regarding the position please email:
About Gallaudet University
Gallaudet University, federally chartered in 1864, is a bilingual, diverse, multicultural institution of higher education that ensures the intellectual and professional advancement of deaf and hard of hearing individuals through American Sign Language (ASL) and English. Gallaudet maintains a proud tradition of research and scholarly activity and prepares its graduates for career opportunities in a highly competitive, technological, and rapidly changing world.